Principality of Colburgh

From A Crown's Price
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<infobox> <title source="Title"><default>Principality of Colburgh</default></title> <image source="Image"/> <label>ImageSize</label><default>250px</default> <label>Location</label> <label>Type</label> <label>Population</label> <label>Demonym(s)</label> <label>Square mileage</label>

   <label>Size ranking</label>

<label>Density</label> <label>Culture</label> <label>Rulers</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Religion</label> <label>Military</label> <label>Places</label> <label>Founding</label> <label>Formed from</label> <label>Age</label> <label>Founder</label> <label>Images</label> </infobox> The Principality of Colburgh is a principality in the far south of the Lord Paramouncy of Thyllanor, bordering the Duchy of Caden in the Kingsland.

Colburgh, like its sister state the Principality of Voyatia, is a principality -- here, the democratic belief of Con-crownism has taken its roots, and instead of hereditary titles like the rest of Thyllanor, it elects its leaders every six years, in accordance with the rules set aside for the Farrowhalt Freehold. The Principality, however, was formed in 188 AC, well before any con-crownist revolution (326 AC rebellion) would take place, and the current Lord Paramount Richard III Karthmere tolerated its existence, believing it no threat to his rule.

Colburgh was formed from the Margraviate of Farrowhalt, once a combination of the current-day Principalities, plus the Duchy of Farrowhalt and the Duchy of Fraeduke. Believing it too large to be administrated properly, Richard III also disentegrated the Margraviate, claiming it no longer served a purpose; it had originally existed to protect Thyllanor's southeastern border, which many considered the most critical point in Thyllanor for its strategic and political weight.

Alfrod Bridenbecker was elected to the office of Consul in 347 AC, after having previously been an outspoken con-crownist during and after the Farmers' Revolution.


Directly bordering the last vestiges of the Moonlyt Peaks and the Duchy of Caden to the south, southern Colburgh can achieve cold temperatures, similar to the climate of Brand. The rest of the principality unhindered by mountains is the same as many regions around it; full of long stretches of flat plains and grassland. In the north, near the border with the Duchy of Leckentheid, the terrain is hilly, giving way to a small mountain range which defines the Leckentheidian border with the Duchy of Morano and the principality.


Dragomyr Invasion

The land where the Principality of Colburgh was founded was used as an invasion point for the Dragomyr conquest of Thyllanor temporarily.

Present Day

In the Farmers' Revolution, the Principality of Colburgh, along with Voyatia, were part of the Farrowhalt Freehold. Being along the Southern Front, Colburgh was subject to many attacks from the Crown, which often failed. One of the larger battles of the war, the Battle of Tuldfel, took place within the Principality on October 12th, 329 AC, as the Crown slowly moved northwards to conquer the territory of the Freehold itself.

In recent history, Colburgh has emerged as the more powerful principality, and as a result, its elected leader Alfrod Bridenbecker is considered the leader of the con-crownism movement worldwide. As stated before, he was elected in 347 AC; before him came Jerall Ravieno, who resigned after serving for five years. Although Voyatia has a higher population and larger levy, the Principality of Colburgh has a greater sphere of influence, particularly around Kingslander counties.